Actually a lot of men are like this. However, in cases like these, you could maybe call the female role “topping from the bottom.” In cases like this, the man is ultimately doing what she wants. Her submission is more role play than reality.
Also, a man can have traditionally masculine traits but still be somewhat submissive to female partners in relationships. I had an ex who was like this. He never took charge anywhere except the bedroom, and even then, it was at least somewhat with my direction. But he was masculine in a lot of ways — 6’4”, mechanical engineering major, in a frat, good at sports, etc.
Another ex did everything I said irl, to the point that it almost made me worry about there being an imbalance because I had too much power over him — when I told him I wanted him to get a nicer place, he went looking at new houses. We mostly did what I wanted. He wanted what would make me happy. Even when it was his birthday, he was asking me what I wanted to do. He said he didn’t know what he wanted. This guy is a tech CEO. He’s plenty masculine and actually was into being dominant in the bedroom. He just doesn’t ever really do anything fun unless someone else organizes it, gets the tickets, makes the reservations, and tells him what to do.