But he actually isn’t dealing in facts. Much of what he clams is actually contrary to the majority of published research. He will also twist the results of research to fit his agenda. He’ll cherry pick a few examples rather than looking at the big picture. Many times his claims are out of date. He also refuses to acknowledge how sexism has led to bias in science, especially in the past.
One example of how he distorts and misrepresents the truth is how he tweeted that women prefer male bosses. This came from a 2014 survey study. That result alone makes it look like women prefer male bosses and like there may be some biological basis doesn’t it? But it just so turns out that a preference for male bosses over female bosses among both men and women has been lessening over time. It just so happens that cultures change slowly. 2017 was the first year there was finally so significant difference in preferences for male versus female bosses. If my memory serves me correctly, women actually more often prefer female bosses now, meaning that Jordan Peterson’s tweet was outdated when he posted it.
He will also present gender differences as dichotomous when they are not. He will call attention to validated gender differences in means for various aptitudes and behaviors as if these differences justify a return to traditional roles when they do not. Gender stereotypes have been shown to be harmful, to limit people’s opportunities, and to even restrict optimum performance. Prescribing roles based on gender, as Jordan Peterson does, is a threat to personal autonomy.