Did you not read anything I wrote? As a culture, we frame sex around male pleasure and orgasm. We name female genitals as merely a hole. We do not teach girls they are capable of or entitled to pleasure the way boys are.
If you don’t see a gendered problem here, you are clueless. How do you explain the orgasm gap, then? There is a significant body of research indicating this is 100% a gendered problem. Just look around you or watch some porn.
Also, how do you explain this shit? Women’s pleasure is not taken as seriously. Women’s orgasms are not seen as important. In studies, women report feeling like they owe men orgasms but men do not feel the same responsibility for their partners’ orgasms. How can you not see that as significant?
It is honestly really maddening that you don’t see a problem here. Have you given orgasms to all of your female partners? My guess is you haven’t. My guess is you, like most men, believe women who turn you on owe you an orgasm while you owe them nothing.