Dude, I have no idea what you are talking about or what relevance it has to anything I’ve said. Women don’t *let* themselves get raped. To say otherwise is unacceptable.
I’m not sure why you are talking about relationships or about fathers (are you talking about divorces?). My tendency to trust others, not see manipulation, and generally be gullible is a human trait. I got this at least partly from my father. Over the years, I have, upon getting a bad feeling about someone, consulted my father to my detriment. But there is actually some value and strength to giving people the benefit of the doubt, whenever possible. The challenge, of course, is knowing when to draw the line.
Honest people who do not manipulate have more difficulty seeing “tells.” I, thankfully, have not had significant difficulty in my romantic relationships, though one of my exes may have been somewhat manipulative. Often people operate according to a code of ethics. I’ve learned it’s important to recognize what that code is.