Eh I’ve seen a lot of large labia minora in porn. After my surgery, I thought I must have been unlucky and that any loss of sensation was my fault for choosing surgery. I figured I must have needed it, since I thought I’d had an embarrassing problem (but only after Googling to learn about my anatomy reading what doctors had published), and at least I looked normal.
Then I watched porn. The women in porn looked like I had before my surgery. None of them looked anything like I did after my surgery, with no labia minora at all. This was when I first realized I had never needed surgery in the first place and that something had really gone wrong.
But yes I agree with many of your points. Informed consent is very important and is largely lacking where these surgeries are concerned. Given how many women are uninformed or misinformed about their genital anatomy, is very much an exploitation of an ignorance.
However, autonomy in general is also important. In theory, there shouldn’t be more stigma surrounding genital cosmetic surgery than there is surrounding nose jobs, face lifts, etc. The stigma has arguably kept these surgeries more dangerous than they need to be. ACOG won’t offer CME because they don’t want to be seen as encouraging it, but CME would do a lot to keep patients safe from preventable harm.