Hey Thomas, I think you are being a bit of a troll here. Perhaps it sounds dramatic to say every woman has been abused, and certainly the prevalence of abuse depends on how we define it.
Consider that many people consider harassment abuse. And many experience cat-calling or like “hey bitch” as harassment. If cases like this are included, it is really fair to say at least 99% of women have experienced such abuse. But, to be fair, if you count those incidents, you could say men are abused every time a crazy homeless man calls you an “asshole.” Right?
There are a lot of factors to consider here. But the reality remains that women deal with a fair amount of harassment from men, and sexual assault is relatively common. What women perceive as “abuse” may be relative. I’ve technically been raped a couple times (I was saying “no”), but I do not feel like I was abused and it was not traumatic for me — I got them to stop and they were mainly just being idiots, so maybe that was key. I also walk alone a lot at night, and I choose to trust male strangers all the time. But I remain unafraid and I do not feel abused. What some women would consider harassment — like a random dude following me around saying he has an 8 inch cock — I generally see as hilarious.
But, the thing is, you have to empathize with other people and how they experience things. You have no lived experience as a woman, and your denial of female realities amounts to secondary wounding for any of those who have actually suffered psychological trauma from abuse. So, next time, it would be better if you tried to understand and empathize rather than trying to discredit someone.