I am a woman who regularly expresses anger. Ironically it is mainly women who have a problem with me, not men. I am called “too combative” and “too agressive.”
In trying to draw attention to the omission of clitoral neural anatomy, I have been told, by women, that if not for my tone, they would have supported me. I’ve been told this article sounds too angry. Does it really seem too angry to you?
Women who call themselves “clit feminists,” who would seem to have aligned goals, tell me they will not clap for my articles or retweet my tweets because they do not like my approach. They do not like my tone. I am too blunt. I don’t try hard enough to establish “consensus.” No. I try only to establish what is right and wrong. When someone says something completely and verifiably false, I let them know. This is perceived as “attacking,” mainly by women.
Online — on Twitter, Reddit, and Quora — I have been told that I discredit myself by sounding angry. I don’t understand this. Of course I’m angry. My clitoris was denervated because OB/GYNs do not learn the neural anatomy of the clitoris. Many think they know it when they don’t. Many just don’ think it’s important. Those who do recognize a gap don’t care enough to help do anything about it. And they won’t retweet my tweets. Why? My tone, of course.
I’ve also learned my friendships with women do not recover after I express anger towards them. My friendships with men do. Why is this?
We talk about how women are so limited from expressing this emotion. But we mostly do this to ourselves by enforcing such strict social penalties on each other.
There is also something to be said for men being more sensitive to female anger. I think it is because it is less often expressed. They are more scared by it. They are more likely to label angry females as unstable or overly emotional rather than justified or rightous.
But at the end of the day, what I’ve noticed is men are usually un-phased by the same approach that causes women to ostracize me.
When it comes to getting clitoral neural anatomy added to OB/GYN textbooks and board exams, I want to inspire anger. Anger is what gets things done. Anger motivates people. But it’s so hard to figure out how to get women angry that detailed anatomy of such an important body part is just excluded. The research done on it is just ignored.
Imagine if the nerves and vasculature of the penis were not shown in urology literature. How long would that stand? A day? If a man was trying to change it, do you think other men would stop him and say, “I’m not going to support your cause (hit a mere clap button or retweet) because you sound too angry, I don’t like your tone, I think this is insulting to doctors, etc.”? Fuck no, they wouldn’t.