I have. I have personally been oppressed by sexism. I’ve been aware of this at least since I was 8 years old when my mom said I needed to be nice to my brother because someday he’d be big enough to beat me up. I was aware of it when all the cool toys were for boys. Legos for girls didn’t even have spaceships.
I’ve had really horrible things happen to me, starting when I was 13, due to sexism, that could have never happened if I were a man.
Sexism is a constant thing. I see it everywhere. I see women being told what they can be and how they should act in ways that limit them. Stereotypes are harmful.
I do see women as oppressed somewhat. I see it in all the little things like the lack of pockets in our clothing. I see it in the lack of practically designed handbags. But then some of this is shit we do to ourselves, and that’s when I feel out of touch with my gender. So it’s more of a cultural problem than men versus women. But recently practical women have started speaking up and saying “fuck handbags, I want pockets big enough for my phone.” I actually got a lot of claps for posting about this, and I realized I’m not alone. And fashion has been changing a bit I think. Female founded lines tend to be more practical and comfortable.
But I’ve been really delighted to watch how much movies and tv shows have changed in my lifetime. It’s really amazing.
But maybe men feel oppressed by sexism too sometimes. However, the data shows men do not as often feel limited by their gender.