I like your points. It sounds like you are using “pussy power” in a different sense than I’ve heard it used before, and it makes sense.
Many people are actually victims of gender-specific trauma much more horrific than the words of some schoolyard bully. Victims have a need for acknowledgment, and I don’t think there should be any shame in being one. Often victims carry more weight and shame than necessary for fear of talking about what happened to them and being seen as weak and/or damaged.
I agree the quotes from the feminists you described were ridiculous. I think it’s tricky because on one hand, it’s healthy to acknowledge and talk about feelings. But on the other, we sometimes need to be told to toughen up. Men do this more with each other and it serves a social function of making them less sensitive. But then minimizing actual trauma has been shown to cause secondary wounding, which can be more damaging than the original trauma itself. So I’m not sure what the solution is.