I think a big reason there are less women is women heard about bitcoin later due to different social circles and less involvement in tech. There is this whole community around bitcoin that women weren’t exactly invited to. I’ve often wondered if the guys would have talked to me more about it if I were a man. One guy actually invested himself (I found this out later) but told me not to. Women may be more cautious and risk averse. It took me a good 10 months to finally invest.
Both social constructs and biological factors lead to differences in manifested behaviors. Biological differences in every characteristic of aptitude can are overlapping normal distributions, Social factors, such as gender roles, can shift the these bell curves closer together or further apart.
One example is the marked change in female sexual attitudes and behaviors that have occurred over the past 60 years or so. The effect of the sexual revolution and women gaining power in society has shifted the female distribution more than the male in the same direction, causing a convergence. But it is likely some differences will persist regardless of socialization, but it is hard to know what or how exactly. What you could do is quantify the different variables, and measure them over time, then look at how social variables change over time, do some kind of multiple regression analysis, and figure out what differences would look like in the hypothetical (potentially impossible) case that gender differences in social variables go to 0.
Some differences, like possibly in empathy and spatial awareness, would persist regardless of the social climate. But I have 99th percentile spatial skills. So I should not have to be stereotyped as someone who doesn’t. Such stereotypes limit people’s full potential and ability to contribute to society in the best way possible.