No. I think female sexuality has been suppressed because there is a great deal of evidence that it has. This is a well-known fact.
For one, there has been a convergence of gender differences in sexual attitudes and behaviors as women have gained power in society. Also, consider how often sexual dysfunction in women is resolved merely by addressing shame and guilt. Psychological causes of female sexual function, brought on by cultural repression, are so common that it leads to a failure to examine physical aspects. Google “slut-shaming.”
Consider that we don’t even name female erectile structures, that we don’t study them, etc. We don’t consider women as entitled to sexual pleasure in the way that men are. This pattern is pervasive. Women are thought of as emotional/reproductive, not sexual. Anything challenging that conception is seen as threatening. This bias is seen even in your writing to some degree — you write about male desire as if women don’t have desire themselves.
Historically female sexual desire was actually seen as pathological. You talk about male masturbation beeing stigmatized, but female masturbation has been stigmatized far more. No one has ever cut off anyone’s penis as a cure for masturbatioon.
You may be interested in this article, especially because it actually absolves men from blame to some degree.