No it isn’t. Feminists believe that both men and women deserve basic human rights. That said, because it is women who must carry a baby, it is a woman’s choice whether to keep or abort a baby. Also, once a baby is born, it is better to have both parents contributing. This is what is best for the children and best for society.
I would maybe agree with an option to have women sign away their rights to child support prior to having sex with a man. Otherwise, no. In my experience, it is men who are careless about reproduction. They need incentive to not get women pregnant. If you take away that responsibility, it will be impossible to trust them to wear condoms or pull out.
This is where male birth control could come in as a potential solution. Also, a man can always choose to wear condoms. I will start taking men’s rights to choose more seriously when I stop having to fight guys to put a condom on.