Thank you. I don’t think I’ve learned anything I can apply unless they let me back on the site.
Tbh I’ve always been this same person. I’m disrespectful and argumentative. I push boundaries. This got me in trouble as a kid too. All of this is connected to how assertive, brave, and honest I am. It’s difficult to separate.
My nature is how I picked up 7000 followed since January. People like a little drama I think. They also love the brutal honesty. But that makes enemies if I can’t tone it down in comments sections.
Also, I have a problem maybe where if I break a rule by accident and don’t get sanctioned, I keep doing it. And maybe I do it worse just to see how far I can take it. With Quora, I never expected to get banned. I thought I was too big to ban. I thought I’d get a warning first. I should have been smarter because I was banned from Twitter. Admitting that in an answer the day I got banned may have contributed,
Twitter banned me bc I said I’d cut my doctors dick off if I could. This does not actually violate any of their terms of service. People keep telling me it’s a threat. It is quite literally and clearly not a threat. In fact, it’s a clear statement that I won’t take the actions I’m talking about because it’s explicit that I can’t.
On Quora, I didn’t respond well to the criticism from the feminism group. I got mad at the trans man and asked him how he expects to have safe GRS surgery when doctors are generally ignorant of vulvar anatomy. My study will be the first to show the nerves in the clitoris in plastic surgery literature. I got it taught at the best program in the country. It’s just ironic that a member of the group who stands to benefit most from me pushing my agenda got me de-platformed.
But also I don’t have enough empathy to figure out when some questions aren’t okay to ask and what can’t be said. I don’t get why I’m not allowed to say having your clitoris permanently mutilated is worse than rape. That’s my opinion. Sure, it depends on the type of rape but I’d take the worse type of rape involving no permanent physical damage over permanent physical damage to my sexual organs. I also don’t get how damaging surgery, resulting in denervation of the clitoris, performed on your genitals without your consent is supposed to be less traumatizing than sex without your consent. But I’m not allowed to ask.
I also don’t think I did anything wrong asking that trans person questions.
I also feel like I’m becoming less and less of a feminist. All this hypersensitivity crap seems to be a byproduct of the feminization of culture, which I really don’t like. Watch how men interact with each other versus how women interact. This bnbr crap is like more how women interact. With men, you can talk shit a lot more. You have a lot more leeway. You can have friendly arguments. Why can’t the platform work more like that?
Anyway I’m hoping I can get back on with a petition.