Nothing about promiscuity indicates a propensity towards lying and cheating.
You have to consider how difficult it is for single women, who want to remain single, to get laid frequently without taking on a large number of partners. It takes a great deal of effort to maintain quality in such cases, as partners don’t tend to last when an emotional connection is absent.
The most efficient way to get laid is in a relationship. In a relationship, my bangs/year is at least 150. Single, my bangs/year is 30–40, which requires about 15 partners. Why? Let me explain.
Screening is difficult. Trying to get laid efficiently is difficult. Say you want to get laid *today.* it’s going to be hard to screen for all the qualities you care about. Plus, for me, 50% of partners don’t see a second bang because I just don’t like having sex with them very much.
Getting laid frequently, as a single woman, requires a rotation of around 3–5 guys, while maintaining communication with maybe 20 more lined up to replace them. This is a ton of work.
The problem is friends with benefits doesn’t really work in my experience. It’s never been frequent enough or sustainable. The best fwb might come around twice a month. That’s not good.
Anyway so once sluts like us find someone we want to commit to, there’s no reason to lie about it.
Right now I have a boyfriend. And yes I do have some FOMO. But I also have a guarantee of sex whenever I want it from him. I’ve agreed to his terms for now. If I change my mind, I’ll let him know. There’s simply no reason to lie though. The deal I have right now is good.