Only one linked HRT to breast cancer?
Why do you think that one study has had such a big effect?
Do you think the problem here is socio-cultural?
There’s this idea that women past a certain age aren’t sexual.
In literature on vulvar cancer, they will say things like “be sure to preserve the clitoris if she is young.” And it’s like … wait what?
There’s also this idea that women aren’t as entitled to sexual pleasure as men.
There’s more of an idea that if you lose your sexual function as a woman, it’s just not a big deal. I saw that for years with what happened to me.
Sometimes I feel really crazy because it seems like I’ve only just figured out how to get sympathy/empathy for what happened to me. For years in the beginning, no one ever even said, “I’m sorry that happened.” Both therapists and my parents asked me, “Why do you need justice?” It made me pretty insane and extremely depressed.