Please delete what you have up now. But read my comments on your video.
Please read my Medium answer on why I think I got banned. Also carefully read the comments I made which were labeled “attacking.” I was not attacking anyone and have no issue with trans people. My concern is with inaccurate conceptions of anatomy. The irony is my study and efforts to improve plastic surgery education in vulvar anatomy will help trans men a lot FYI.
Also on Medium, you can see all my posts in chronological order. I don’t think my posts are offensive.
The only part of your video I am comfortable with is the part where you explain that I systematize. This is true.
Are you honestly saying you’d rather lose sensation in your penis permanently than get raped? If so, why?
If you want to repost a video where you only represent me in a positive light, show how previously collapsed answers should not have been collapsed, and say I should be able to point out when people are wrong insofar as it is a public health issue, then I’m okay with that.
Also, I just want to clear up some misunderstandings:
- I did not elect to surgery on my clitoris. I elected to a labiaplasty, which is a very common procedure. My clitoris should not have been involved. It was due to ignorance of vulvar anatomy. I have been contacted by other women who had the same thing happen to them and still others who lost clitoral sensation due to improperly performed biopsies, etc.
- I had over 2000 answers. Less than 1% of my answers were ever collapsed or deleted prior to my ban.
- My last answers and questions were written as responses to the slanderous post made about me in Undermine the Patriarchy, where I was attacked in the comments and had no ability to respond due to my block. I don’t “often” write lists of people who insulted me. I only did this in order to address the comments made about me in the Undermine the Patriarchy post. In that list, I did not name names. So you are misrepresenting what I actually write.
- I was never hostile in the Undermine the Patriarchy Space. Please look at the comments I actually made within that space. To the trans man, I said, “I don’t understand why you can’t envision your clitoris as a mini penis and treat it as such” and “How do you think the penis functions differently?” I was just curious. In response to a woman actually attacking/insulting me and saying I said the penis and clitoris are the same (I never said that), I posted a photo of a clitoris and said, “How does this not look like a penis?” Clitorises actually look very much like penises.
- Please review the context in which I made the comment that I’d rather be raped. That was in response to someone saying I should never say what happened to me was like being raped (in order to explain the trauma) and blaming me for what happened to me. Again, my clitoris was damaged in a surgery performed without my consent. Would you actually prefer to lose sensation in your penis to being raped? I seriously doubt that. I did not “keep pushing that point.” My comment was made in February and had not been brought up since.
I am still trying to get my account unbanned so I don’t want negative things said about me. And I don’t want people acting like I had warnings when I did not.
As for the last question you edited out, that was an extremely helpful answer, and the photos were necessary for answering the question. Teens who are insecure need to see those photos. Maybe I should have just provided links to the photos instead of posting them in the text?