This book is 1584 pages long. It was published in 2015. The title is really great:
The Anatomical Basis for Clinical Practice
I’d like to let that sit for a second.
This textbook excludes macroscopic anatomy of the clitoris while including microscopic anatomy of the penis. What this means is the anatomical basis of clinical treatment is inequitable.
The Clitoris
This is everything this version of Gray’s Anatomy contains about the clitoris, it’s nerves and vasculature, and female sexual response.
There is no mention of the innervation or vasculature of the clitoris in the chapter on the female reproductive system.
“In males, the dorsal nerve of the penis runs on the dorsum of the penis to end in the glans.”
Do these authors not realize that the dorsal nerve of the clitoris runs on the dorsum of the clitoris to end in the glans as well?!
There is no mention of clitoral vasculature anywhere.
There is no mention of female sexual response or orgasm, other than that contained in the description of the clitoris.
The Penis
This is everything this version of Gray’s Anatomy contains about the penis, it’s nerves and vasculature, and male sexual response.
Netter, Clemente, and Grant’s Anatomy are all better than this. Anatomy professors should really start boycotting this textbook until it is updated.