So did you ever even read my hundreds of answers on vulvar anatomy, slut-shaming, overview of research on female versus male sexuality, etc?
One way I got tons of exposure for answers on vulvar anatomy is by posting answers on that topic in response to open ended questions.
My answers showed up on Google and have helped countless other women who have been harmed, who contacted me privately.
They have helped other women decide to not undergo female genital cosmetic surgery as well. They have helped women feel more secure about their vulvas also.
See how effective I was at spreading awareness regarding inadequate coverage of vulvar anatomy here (1600 upvotes).
Here are 2000 upvotes on another answer raising awareness about this issue and the dangers of female genital cosmetic surgery.
Here is one about clitoral anatomy I got 560 upvotes for and tons of views.
Here is an answer I wrote about the orgasm gap. Do you really think it is not a good answer? It got 1400 upvotes.
Here is an answer I wrote about problems with the field of female genital cosmetic surgery, from a perspective rarely discussed. The biggest issue is lack of training standards, lack of surgeons knowledge of anatomy, lack of informed consent.
Here is an answer that goes over the research supporting that orgasm is very important for women. It only got 13 upvotes. Do you think it is not a good answer?
Here is one about the science of male versus female sexual desire. I think I am far more informed than you think I am.
My story regarding the worst thing that happened to me has helped other women who were harmed. It has enabled me to get in touch with more victims so hopefully I can figure out how to mobilize them to get changes made to protect other patients.
Here are more about vulvar anatomy (a topic where most answers contain errors, due to pervasive ignorance):
You pointed out that there may be little funding for research on female anatomy. But that’s not the issue. We asked for funding, and we got it. Also, this cannot account for how the research that is done does not get disseminated. The research that is done doesn’t get cited. It doesn’t get read. Better vulvar anatomy was shown in 19th century textbooks than is shown today, and that’s not about funding. Make sense?
Also keep in mind that as a layperson, I made two studies happen. But you think doctors can’t?
When I spammed countless female doctors with research on vulvar anatomy, they were not interested. When I crashed the ACOG convention with cadaver dissections of clitoral anatomy not shown in their textbooks, I had countless female doctors tell me, to my face, that it wasn’t relevant to their practice, that they have more important things to worry about, etc. Though the problem may be cultural in origin, there is a great deal of evidence women are not as interested in their genitals.
I started wanting to change this in 2010 and actually had an easier time getting support from men. Women asked, “What’s the big deal?” “Why does it matter?” I struggled with how textbooks say, “Orgasm may not be important for sexual satisfaction in women,” because that is what self reporting studies conclude. I think it is and women are just socialized to say it isn’t.
Still, based on significant differences in female versus female sexual desire, i do not think the effect of biology is 0. Culture alone cannot realistically account for the high frequency of desire disorders and asexuality among women.
But you think I should be de-platformed why? You think I’m sexist because I state facts?