Jessica Pin
1 min readJun 10, 2018


Thanks for this. One of my guy friends made me watch one of his videos. I went through and patiently argued against every point I disagreed with and remained calm even when my friend started yelling. At the end of the night, I thought we had reached a mutual understanding regarding our beliefs about gender.

The next morning, he sent me more Jordan Peterson videos to watch. I said I had already watched enough and thought we had already settled our differences and should move on from the topic, and he said, “You just can’t handle what he has to say.”

I don’t like watching videos because people don’t generally cite sources in videos. There is a lot of bias in how he presents the meaning of research that has been done.



Jessica Pin

Getting clitoral neural anatomy included in OB/GYN textbooks. It was finally added for the first time in July 2019. BME/EE @WUSTL