The clitoral anatomy that should be in medical textbooks
An Instagram follower suggested I post clitoral anatomy here.
This is the detail always shown for the penis but rarely for the clitoris in medical literature. My goal is to empower doctors to provide safer, more informed care and to empower patients to advocate for themselves and their sexual health.
So far I have gotten this detail into 3 OB/GYN textbooks. Campbell Walsh Urology and Gray’s Anatomy have also agreed to include it. My goal is for this increased inclusion to continue until female genital anatomy is as well known as male genital anatomy.
What I want people to understand is female genital anatomy gets neglected, not for lack of research, but for lack of dissemination. And it doesn’t get disseminated due to taboo and lack of interest.
I believe everyone can help change this by helping disseminate this anatomy. So please clap, comment, and share.
You may not think it matters, but I promise every clap and every share helps raise awareness and combats the taboo. Disseminating this anatomy will help prevent future patterns at like me from being harmed by surgeons who do not know the anatomy. It also means that women who suffer genital injuries or get vulvar cancer will get better care.
Here is also a link to my study, which shows cadaver dissections and describes the anatomy in detail.
Here also are our measurements. The measurements we got for the nerves were astoundingly large. The clitoral bodies of our specimens were also surprisingly large.
If anyone knows how to add the illustrations to Wikipedia, we can happily give permission. There are also many more illustrations by artists on my Instagram at @jessica_ann_pin.
Thank you so much to everyone who has read this far. I appreciate it more than you know.
Jessica Pin