This is not true. I’m pretty sure I already referred you to the academic research on this subject. If you would stop shaming women for enjoying sex for the sake of itself, they would be perfectly happy trading sex for sex. However, both men and women typically want relationships.
I’ve been on the opposite side of things as a woman who avoided relationships for 7 out of 8 years. Most men actually need things to escalate to something emotional or they lose interest. A lot of men get upset even though I’m completely honest and upfront. It’s really quote hilarious to watch what happens when you flip the script.
Jesus I seriously pity your daughters.
You should want women to be empowered to make decisions in line with their desires and beliefs. Whatever is causing these women to get upset is something they need to examine. And they obviously should not engage in activities that upset them. It is each individuals responsibility to make choices they don’t regret. This is a pretty simple concept. What I finally realized, at age 24, with 14 partners under my belt, was that I had not regretted a single one. I only regretted the guys I didn’t sleep with. And I examined why I didn’t sleep with them: slut shaming. So I decided to hell with that. And I decided it was okay for me to seek sex for the sake of itself even when I didn’t think I wanted a boyfriend.
Believe it or not, most (0 of mine except the one I refused to give my number to or ones I chose not to talk to, like one who cried and one who was over 2 standard deviations below the mean height) one night stands don’t disappear. Generally if the sex was good for me, it was good for them, so we keep talking. And I don’t allow myself to be ghosted. So this bullshit script you describe about letting a man not call back is just ridiculous. These women can obviously call these men if they want to.