This is sexist. I think most women do desire sex. Both men and women desire some emotional connection with sex. Just look at the way men interact with escorts, where the majority of the time is spent connecting (or faux connecting on the escort’s part). Modern research on differences in sexual attitudes and behaviors support this and has shown a convergence as women have gained power in society. Previously women had to inhibit their sexuality in order to raise the price of sex so they could exchange it for resources. The less this is necessary, the more women are free to pursue their desires.
Historically men constructed this idea of women as chaste because it’s a way to control/inhibit their sexuality. Just look at historical and current practices of excising clitorises as a way to inhibit female sexuality. People are still so uncomfortable with the reality that women are sexual that they shy away from studying female sexual response and completely omit the nerves and vasculature of the clitoris from general anatomy and OB/GYN textbooks.
I liked your other comments about exploiting gender inequality. You could even see this practice as providing incentive to keep women oppressed in society.