Uhh no. I actually can relate to this. It is incredibly frustrating when an otherwise cool, attractive guy is fat. You think, “Gosh if he would just lose some weight!” And he won’t. He’ll be wolfing down kolaches while complaining you are superficial for not wanting to fuck him.
Then one night, you’ll be drunk and horny and there won’t be anyone else available, so you’ll fuck this guy anyway. It will be going surprisingly okay until he asks you to get on top. You look down and are utterly disgusted. What on earth are you doing? You get up, put on your clothes, and get out of there.
And yes, certainly, I am the asshole here. But it’s easier to blame someone else when we find ourselves in an asshole role. And there’s that resentment towards him for guilting me, for pressuring me. Yes I was turned on, but I wasn’t attracted to him. I was disgusted. So yes, based on this experience, I can relate.