Why do some women get harassed but others don’t?
I really haven’t been sexually harassed ever. Men almost never approach me. I’ve never felt threatened by a male stranger. One drunk guy touched my butt at a club, so I hit him with a glow stick and he left me alone. That’s the worst thing that’s happened, unless you count the guys who make comments when I walk through bad neighborhoods. I think this must be highly dependent on the local culture.
Also, as an attractive woman who is most often alone, I should be high risk. I go alone to concerts, clubs, bars, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. all the time. Usually men do not talk to me at all unless I intentionally invite them to or talk to them first. I’ve spent months traveling by myself in Europe. Even in Italy, where men are notoriously aggressive, I never felt harassed. I don’t take compliments as harassment.
I don’t want to invalidate any other women’s experiences, and I have actually had some #metoo experiences with men I knew. But for some reason, I don’t get harassed by strangers.