Why do we have to be so sexist about this? A lot of guys can’t even get their dicks up without an emotional connection. And plenty of women can enjoy sex with a random stranger they might not like or respect much. I think women just feel more guilty about this because the objectification of men isn’t so normalized.
For both men and women, emotional connection is correlated to better sexual experiences. But it isn’t exactly a necessary condition for enjoyable sex for women who are sex-positive and unashamed to act upon physical desires.
I wish we could put a stop to the narrative about how emotional women are about sex. This just gets in the way of women getting physical needs met. What’s messed up in these stories is women aren’t making choices based on what they want, whether that is driven by emotions or whatever else. By focusing more on how valid it is for women to have purely physical/sexual desires, and by focusing on female needs for pleasure and orgasm, I think we empower women to make choices consistent with their own needs and desires and take them out of this bs victim role (obviously this doesn’t apply to cases where firm “no”’s are disregarded).
Maybe women desire more casual sex when drunk because alcohol gets them past the sociocultural bullshit that dictates hooking up without an emotional connection is “slutty” and degrading.
And the most simple, obvious reason a woman would hook up with a guy she is not that attracted to is 1. She’s horny 2. She has reason to believe he will give her the pleasure she wants. 3. There isn’t a preferable alternative available at that time. I’m not saying this is ideal or as satisfying as hooking up with someone she loves and finds very attractive. It usually isn’t for men or for women.