Yeah I’ve never felt like I’ve had serious anger ignored. One time I got angry because a guy said he wasn’t sure if I was hotter than Sarah Silverman. He was yanking my chain and it was funny in retrospect. On some level, I think it’s good for me when people mess with me like that because it tends to bring out weaknesses I need to work on and teaches me to be tougher about things that really don’t matter.
In my experience, if I express real anger and they start to laugh or joke in response, I can just change my tone and/or warn of consequences in order to communicate I’m serious.
I have noticed it is sometimes difficult for me to laugh out loud at male anger in person though because I will instinctually feel physically threatened, so I won’t want to escalate it. I’ll generally just go into robot mode (very controlled, logical) in how I deal with them. One of my friends who had anger problems was 6’4”, 200+ pounds. He was basically twice as big as me, and he would just start yelling over nothing. I could give him a bit of shit only after he stopped being angry.
A male yelling is just more scary than a female yelling though, on average. It’s the lower voice and the bigger size. I got shit for saying women have higher voices but this is a reality. I personally have had to work on lowering my voice on the phone so I don’t sound like a child. This difference is why I enjoy angry female vocals in rock (like Hole), but I do not like listening to angry male vocals unless they are goofy (like The Hives). It is relevant that for any given person, their pitch will lower when they are angry. That’s why an effective way to communicate real anger is to lower the pitch.