Yes I have tried contacting the authors and editors of OB/GYN textbooks. They ignore me or tell me they don’t have room. That’s why I want to simply create the anatomy I want to see and spread awareness about its omission by featuring it on Pussypedia and/or wherever else I can.
Yes I tried crashing the ACOG convention and handing out flyers. My goal was to get endorsements. None of them emailed me as I requested. I’m not sure how to structure getting endorsements.
It is generally an exhausting to convince OB/GYNs there is a problem here. How many endorsements would I need and how would I leverage them?
The most efficient way for this to change is for ABOG and ACOG to take action. Simply adding the anatomy to board exams would force a national change. Calling them out in the media would be effective. This would require the public to care. A twitter campaign would work, for example.