Yes they do. Anecdotes are n=1. This is equivalent to a case study. You criticize patients for making judgments based on a single case study but ACOG, who should know better, claims excess androgens cause labial hypertrophy. And guess what the “evidence” for that is? A mere hypothesis in a case study (n=1!) where correlation is not causation. This claim contradicts histological studies and basic endocrinology (I forget, but I went over all the research somewhere and sent it in a Word Doc to ACOG, who gives 0 fucks).
Meanwhile, the highest level of evidence for the labiaplasty procedures you do to help your patients are experts evaluating their own results, maybe sending out a questionnaire and getting a 47% response rate. And last I checked, the only doctors who asked about how surgery affected sensation or did any objective evaluations of sensory loss were plastic surgeons. Also, why do people publish these outcome studies? For notoriety. To further their practices! “Hey look at me, I’m the expert!” Would anyone publish an outcome study for labiaplasty if they were getting bad results? Fuck no. Is anyone publishing these even remotely inexperienced? No. And what kind of training in techniques does the average OB/GYN doing these have? ZERO.