Yes you should see how guys act in casual relationships where they want more, even when you are upfront. But there is no “guys are crazy” narrative going around.
I literally had one guy agree to be cool with me seeing other people and never being interested in him romantically. He later called me a “horrible person.”
Other quotes from dudes I was completely honest and upfront with:
“Emotionally our of touch bitch.”
“You have no feelings.”
“Emotionally oblivious.”
I am none of these things unless I tell them upfront I will be these things.
The thing that is misogynistic is how dating is maybe set up so guys can be dicks. Women put up with guys being dicks. So, if you’re the girl who stands up for herself and expects honest communication and forthrightness at a bare minimum, you’re “crazy.”
Then again, yesterday a guy told me about a woman he used to sleep with who would continually tell him they were dating no matter how many times he told her they were not. She would talk about “when they got married.” This is actually crazy. If a guy doesn’t want to date you, you have to either choose to be okay with that arrangement or move on to someone else.