You keep telling me your opinions, which I appreciate, but you fail to back them up with meaningful data. Even in the article you cited, there were explanations for the changes in self-reported happiness. None of your claims are supported by evidence lacking alternative explanations. You jump to conclusions and make a lot of assumptions. Rather than responding to my points, you seem to be repeating yourself like some broken record. It would be more effective to focus on one claim and provide robust evidence for that claim.
You could argue that women are initiating divorces because they do not benefit from relationships as much as men do. The research I’ve seen actually supports that — men get more QOL benefits from marriage. People make decisions based on incentives. As for the decline in female happiness since the 70s, prior to which data does not exist (meaning it’s possible women were least happy prior to feminism), there are a number of explanations that do not indicate feminism is a problem.